Weege's Daily Struggle with Technology
Chase Stallo


Weege's Daily Struggle with Technology

Jason Weigandt and technology just don’t mix. It’s really, really bad. I get daily laughter from the simple things that trip him up.

Yesterday, may have been the best of them all.

The following is a text exchange between Steve Matthes, Weege, and I. Some names have been changed for privacy matters. 

Explaining to Weege How Instagram Works

Stallo: Cindy blocked Stacy on Insta? GTFO 

Matthes: Yes! 

Weege: She had all the cat photos she could handle 

Stallo: Not how it works. But sure. 

Weege: Stacy posts the cat photos no? So Cindy blocked her and won’t see them. 

Stallo: Cindy blocking Stacy would mean that Stacy can’t see Cindy’s photos. Not the other way around. 

“Exhaust: Explaining to Weege How Instagram Works” 

Weege: I fuc**** hate this shit 

Did you know they have direct message on there???? 

Stallo: HAHAHHAH. Yes. Of course. 

Can we put this on Exhaust and change the names? 

Weege: Also, do you know how many people slide into my DMs asking for access to davey??? "Hi Jason love your work could you get me in touch with Davie [sic] Combs [sic] about an idea I have???"

Explaining to Weege How The Website Works

We also had the following exchange on Slack yesterday about how the website works. Mind you, Weege has been working on the website for more than ten years.

It's Not Over

Weege then went to save this post and well....