Jeremy McGrath Is Even Cooler Than You Thought
If you’ve ever spent any time with Jeremy McGrath, or read/listen to one of his numerous interviews over the years, you know he is as genuine as they come. Even though he has a record 72 supercross wins, seven SX titles, and is LITERALLY called the King of Supercross, he's about as nice a guy as anyone out there.
Last week, I ran across this story on Mike Sleeter’s Instagram about what Jeremy did at a recent Shamsworld Shmotercross event:
“In 1992 I was 12 years old and this was the year that @jeremymcgrathserved notice to the 250 class “which now the 450 class” that it was going to be a long time until there was going to be another Supercross champion. He was my idol I wanted to ride a motorcycle like him, I wanted the blonde highlights like him, hell I even pierced my ears like him. He was Showtime before the King ? but most of all I am lucky enough to call Jeremy my friend. This past weekend I watched Jeremy put on one hell of a show at the age of 46 racing and beating a @keeferinctesting one hell of a rider/racer after not racing a dirt bike for 7 years.
“In Jeremy’s next race against me he was running 3rd while I was in 2nd and I had one of the most horrific crashes that I’ve experienced in 15 years probably. I was knocked unconscious for over two minutes and Jeremy never made it past me once I crashed. He proceeded to stay by my side and make sure I was safe until the medics got to me. Once he knew I was in hands of the medics he assured my son that Dad was going to be ok. This is what motocross is all about people. We all need to remember where we came from and what we are doing. It’s a very dangerous sport that very few can retire after racing but guys like Jeremy remind me why I fell in love with this sport. Thank you too Jeremy and all my moto Fam that were their for me and Mason on Saturday that was a scary moment that could have been much worse. It was a pleasure to watch two legends like @jeremymcgrathand @ryanvillopoto come out and race with us enthusiasts where it all started for them. And a Big THANK YOU to the @twmxraceseries @twmxdotcom team for putting together one help of a event for us old guys.”
McGrath pulled over and gave up his race! Seriously, this is amazing.
Kris Keefer, despite getting smoked by the legend, shared this on what it meant to line up and race the king:
“I like stories behind the photos on social media so here’s one from Saturday: It’s not everyday you get to race against the best Supercross rider ever right? At the @twmxdotcom Trans-Am I knew I had my hands full in the 30 and 40 Pro classes, but I pride myself on staying in shape and really trying to keep what talent I have left in this old body of mine. What racing photos can’t reveal on social media is the smiles we all have under our helmets when we are riding these damn dirt bikes. I had a big smile while leading the first 40 Pro Moto as I thought to myself (on the first lap I may add), “I better make this count because this kind of shit (or moments if your PG) DO NOT happen often”. I really wanted to try and beat “The King”, but have fun with it while giving a show to the people standing on the side of the track. So.... I started to point at him and look over at him while we were battling. In hindsight I don’t know if that was a good idea because all I think I did was fire Jeremy up even more! ? He probably was thinking who is this asshole trying to show off in front of me? ? We both simultaneously chopped our throttles off as we were turning up the horseshoe on Mt. Saint Helens (mid-moto) and I heard MC give a friendly scream as if to say “I’m still here f***er”! ? He got by me in the split section before the finish line, but I stayed close enough to return the friendly scream back as if to say “I wasn’t going away neither”! ? I tried to put in a charge to make another move, but he was just too crafty and he beat me. As we rolled up to each other after the finish we high five’d and both agreed that was a fun moto. He told me he learned a couple good lines from me while he was sitting back there and I just shook my head and said “The F***ing King”! Damn it! ? Thanks Jeremy for being a cool dude and for coming out to race us mere older mortals. The guy hasn’t raced in 7 years and put a whooping on my ass! That is awesome! It’s great to see MC and RV come race these local events after what they’ve done in the sport. Saturday was the most fun I had racing a dirt bike in a long time. #KeepOldDudesOnDirtBikes#DontEfffWithTheKing”
Jeremy McGrath, even cooler than you thought.