Riders Fight On The Track, Receive Two-Year Ban
Chase Stallo


Riders Fight On The Track, Receive Two-Year Ban

We all know racing can get very heated and from time to time, fights will, and have, broken out on the track.

Last month during the National Championship of Motorcycling of Costa Rica, an altercation broke out between riders Jorge Martinez and Marion Calvo. While battling down a straightaway, a bump caused Martinez’s motorcycle to destabilize. Martinez then grabbed onto Calvo’s bike and managed to stay on until Calvo's bike stopped, while his bike went shooting off, luckily not striking another rider.

Then, a fight broke out, with Martinez throwing the first blow and knocking Calvo over. Calvo retaliated by running after Martinez and throwing another punch, all while the race was going on.

Why do we bring this up a month later? Because each rider recently received a two-year ban, according to BBC News. Ouch!