Jeremy Seewer Reveals His Passion for Two Kinds of Yamaha!
Jeremy Seewer is a man of many talents who knows how to get the most from his Yamaha – whether it’s his Monster Energy Yamaha Factory MXGP YZF450FM race bike or a one of Yamaha’s high quality Grand Pianos. As a schoolkid Seewer spent many hours studying the piano, and sat in front of the famous tuning fork logo whilst perfecting his musical skills. Little did he know at the time that his fame would be associated with another kind of Yamaha!
Check out Jeremy playing "Für Elise" by Beethoven in the hills with nothing but nature around him. Oh, and also his Monster Energy Wilvo Yamaha MXGP teammates Gautier Paulin and Arnaud Tonus happen to be nearby as well.
Main Image: Courtesy of Yamaha