Aaron Hansel

We Went To Utah To Test The Honda Talon
Aaron Hansel


We Went To Utah To Test The Honda Talon

We dispatched our man Aaron Hansel to Utah for the Honda Talon press demo. This is what he saw.

Watch: Mountain Biker Risks Life And Limb To Drop From Tree Limbs
Aaron Hansel


Watch: Mountain Biker Risks Life And Limb To Drop From Tree Limbs

After seeing this edit I'm subscribing to every form of social media Lunn's a part of. The opening drop literally made my stomach sick.

Revisited: The Kluge
Aaron Hansel


Revisited: The Kluge

Red Bull acts on more cool ideas than most people can even come up with. The Athlete Machine was one of the coolest.

A Short Convo with A-Ray
Aaron Hansel


A Short Convo with A-Ray

CycleTrader/Rock River Yamaha’s Alex Ray will return to racing in Seattle after rupturing his patella tendon and dislocating his wrist during practice in February. We had the chance to talk with him in the pits on Friday, and well, it was great.

Reverse Beer Goggles and Other Social Injury Preventers
Aaron Hansel


Reverse Beer Goggles and Other Social Injury Preventers

Let’s face it. Most motorcycle people love to party. Maybe the same gene that makes us like the excitement/adrenaline of riding dirt bikes is the same one that makes us weak to the allure of drunken debauchery? Who knows. The problem is, many of us let it get in the way of riding. To that end, here's a list of safety products designed to stop you from drinking the night before you go riding. Go to bed early and you'll be much happier on the track tomorrow!

Definitely Not Definite List Of: Motocross Nicknames
Aaron Hansel


Definitely Not Definite List Of: Motocross Nicknames

There are plenty of conflicting points of views in this sport, but if there’s one constant, it’s that just about everyone needs a nickname. In fact, the actual names of plenty of industry folk remain a total mystery to many of us! It’s always been like this too—nicknames date back to the very beginning. Here’s a list of them. Let us know who we missed (don’t bother with initials followed by numbers, those do NOT count!), and what era you think had the best ones.