Video: Motorcyclist Survives Insane Car Accident
While we still reserve “Luckiest Man Alive” honors for the motorcyclist who slid underneath a semi and walked away, this guy may be a close second.
YouTube user Malik Elizee uploaded a video on March 31 of a car running a red light and smashing into two other cars. Elizee, who was riding in the third lane, leapt off the bike when the first car got hit, did some crazy ninja shit, latched onto the underside, and somehow slid and rolled out of the crash.
His reaction afterward is exactly how I picture myself acting: multiple curse words, followed by a nice nap on the grass, thanking God I was alive.
Elizee posted in the description that no one left in an ambulance:
“To answer some common questions: No one left in an ambulance, myself included. I was wearing most of my gear (was only going up the road so only had on regular jeans and boots). Gloves and jacket saved me what would've been some serious sliding damage.
“The bike would've been a lot worse shape if not for my frame sliders. My frame slider is completely grinded and destroyed, but it saved most of the bike. Other than some broken plastic and mirror, the damage isn't too serious. Still can start up and ride—I actually rode it home.”